We offer pilot training for all levels – from “Zero to Hero” to Rusty Pilot seminars, to Flight Reviews – we can help!


Needing More Advanced Training?

We Offer CFI Training Too!

“Teach a man to drive, he’ll go places. Teach a man to fly and he’ll be in heaven for the rest of his life…” – Unknown

Teach Others To Fly!

Real-World Knowledge

Unlike other flight schools, Short Final believes in training students to be prepared for all aspects of flight. Grass strips, busy airspace, non-towered operations – we want you to have real-world, applicable skills when you obtain your pilot license.

At Short Final, we want you to experience different avionics, different conditions, and master them all.

Gone are the days of briefcases full of paper charts and books. Now pilots have unprecedented access to information at their fingertips, through onboard avionics and even portable devices.

Short Final teaches you to safely use those tools, and properly manage technology on the flight deck.

Embrace Safety


Schedule Your First Flight!

Discovery flights are available in Branson, MO and Harrison, AR. They offer an affordable way for you to see if becoming a pilot is right for you! Discovery flights start at $150 and include an hour experience of what being a pilot is like.

This could be your office view every day!
Come train with us!

Flight Reviews

Needing your flight review, or instrument proficiency check? We can help. Contact us to schedule a convenient time to stay proficient and up-to-date!

Tailwheel Training

Want to add your tailwheel endorsement? We offer training in your airplane or ours! Contact us today!

Rusty Pilot Seminars

Haven’t been in the air for a while? Haven’t flown into towered/non-towered lately? Got a skill you want to improve? We can help!